Welcome To SOPADAS

About Us



Some of our members and learners of basket on the photo


To empower the poorest community and those facing different challenge in their life, caused by unemployment situation, unskilled and poor structural


Widow, single parent, disabled person, unemployed person, small entrepreneur and dropout school girls who are unable to return to school because of being pregnancy


Younger adult, girls and women, are among those groups that affected by the situation of employment, many of them are not educated or not having enough entrepreneurship skills that could help them to employ themselves and overcome the unemployment situation, that is where Sopadas saw the need from the community and started to organize special program to empower the community thought education by providing a five days short cause, a two weeks short cause, four weeks short cause and a three month short cause, and we started with a project of making basket.


All of our trainings are done free of charge, /none fee training to anyone whom cannot afford it, but to the ones who are working or can afford it, they are asked to contribute a sum between 10,000 up to 25,000 Tsh. Each person to support the continuation of the project so that we can be able to reach others.
Two widow women and a single parent lady at a photo taken while holding some basket after the training. These ladies are among those who are benefiting from this project
Some girls who dropped out school caused by pregnancy issues, being keen following the basket training while their trainer giving them some instruction.

Girls who dropped out school because of not having school fees and other whom got pregnancy, have shown up their interest and have joined this program since we started it in June 2023. More than ten girls have joined it and continue to benefit with the training and have also got an opportunity for free counseling of how to start their small business for the purpose of self-employment.


Disabled person, Widow, single parent who have been abandoned by their husband, have come to join this project and they are advancing with the making of the basket, their progression is good and have new hope of achievement which comes from the training and support they get from the project, there are those from neighbor villages and surrounding area would also like to be reached and we have planned to do so, we managed to open another center at Buchosa district, in Mwanza province, as part of our plan to reach many communities whom are in need.
  • We have set goals to ensure that we continue to offer this training of making basket and its production and the market for the year 2023 – 2025, by reaching five hundred (500), Widows, single parents who have been abandoned by their husband and disabled persons
  • To serve six hundred (600) dropout school girls who were stopped to continue with studies because of pregnancy and those who do not afford the school fee
  • We also intend to reach five hundred (500) disabled persons by training them how to make baskets without an charge, giving some advice and extra technics that will lead them to success, as well as donating some capital, funds and or materials to start their
  • Our expectation is to serve many more and increase the number each year and open many training centers at different villages and small town in Tanzania.
A trainer teaching how to make a basket to the trainee


  • The biggest challenge we are facing right now is having less equipment for teaching and practical
  • Low capital for production purpose that will add to our production, sells and income
  • The need of the community is too higher, there are those who would like to come to join us for the training, but they cannot for now to join because of the environmental situation that cannot afford to take many trainees at once.
  • The more the project gets bigger the more it becomes recognized to the communities and those willing to join it while we cannot afford to serve them all because of not having enough capita and materials for learning and increase the size of the center


  • To add and increase the materials and equipment for teaching and production means
  • To uplift our capital for the purpose of producing more items
  • To rebuild and maintain our office and center environments for a better look and enough space for teaching and production


  • To increase chances of welcoming more trainee every month and year and making sure that they become financial independent by opening their own business and encourage them to help
  • To arrange challenges and competition that will help them to work hard on the goals and open their mind to see different opportunities in our
  • The more we produce basket the more we increase our capital, our target is to reach to the stage that the project can run by itself, means the cost of running it will come from the product we


Budget for material of teaching and producing baskets for year 2023

400,000 Tsh./ $200


Budget for material of teaching and producing baskets for year 2024

1, 000,000 TSH./ $500


Budget for material of teaching and producing baskets for year 2025

2, 000,000 TSH./ $1,000



3,400,000 TSH. / $1,700